Well, everyone tells you the time will come when it's the last child doing the last things his or her senior year before graduation and leaving the nest. And even with trying to get prepared it's still hard......These pictures are of Ryan's last "One Voice" concert for the year...He has worked very hard and has helped choreograph most of the numbers with Demi. It has been a lot of work, but a lot of fun for them too.
We felt the whole program was the best that we had ever seen and very professionally done. They had their Spring Tour this year to the Phoenix area during Spring Break at Easter time. It was a great tour and they had a lot of fun. Ryan does a good job and enjoys the singing and the dancing. On Mothers Day they will do their religious program as a fireside and that will be good too
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Monday April 20th was a very exciting and happy day for us!!!! Dustin and Kim brought home a speical gift from their visit to Kentucky.....they pulled it out of their gift bag and handed it to us....and it was unmistakenly two baby onesies.....one Kentucky Blue and one White with the UK logo on them.....tied with a blue and white polka dot ribbon and a little note inside for us to read!!! This had been left lying on the bed where Dustin and Kim would be sleeping while on their visit. They (Dustin and Kim) are expecting their third boy in July...and his name will be Collin.... and so the note said: "Uncle Dustin & Aunt Kim, Thank you for visiting me at the graveside in Richfield. You are the best aunt and uncle ever! I am so excited for you to meet Collin. He will also have a cousin coming to join my family at the end of October! I'm sure they'll be pals. Enjoy your trip with my mom and dad. Love and Miss You, BRANSON"
Natalie and Rob had asked them to share this with us as our surprise and so that we would know. Unbeknowst to us Dustin had hooked them up to web-cam so they were watching the whole thing and that was fun too cause they got to see our reactions and talk to us immediately! We laughed and cried and are so excited. They are expecting the end of October and so that is great because Dustin and Kim's baby and theirs will only be three months apart! IT"S A MIRACLE AND IT WAS ANGEL BRANSON WATCHING OVER THEM THAT HELPED IT TO HAPPEN SO FAST AND ANSWERS TO LOTS OF PRAYERS!!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Fishlake in the Fall
Fishlake in the Fall...we always have to have one trip there to see the beautiful leaves and enjoy the last nice days of Fall. We went with Jed and Kim and their kids and Jaren and Keaton came too. It was a great time and we enjoyed watching the kids throw rocks into the lake.
Fishlake is so beautiful in the Fall. I think God loves this spot on the earth so much that he just keeps it pristeen and beautiful year round no matter the season.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Last Snow of the Season??!!
Okay so it's time that I learn how to do the picture thing with my posts and so I'm starting now to learn how to do all of this and then I'll get really good at it..right??? So as you can see we had a nice little snow storm which gave us about 6 inches actually on the weekend of March 5th thru 7th. And it was timed perfectly!! That's because we had everyone here to enjoy it. Natalie and Rob were here from Kentucky for Trevor's wedding which is always cause for a gathering. We had them, Jed and Kim's Family, Dustin and Family coming by, and our Friends Tyler and Lacie Knotts who drove over from Littleton CO. to see Rob and Natalie and us too of course!!
We had a ball with everyone here and to top it off when it snowed the kids got to put on all the snow clothes and go out and build a BIG SNOWMAN....doesn't he look great!!! It was fun and Grandpa Gordon helped out a lot too. It's a good thing they got after it quite early because by the late afternoon most of the snow had pretty much disappeared...cause of it being a little warmer than in mid winter. But all it all it was a great time and the kids were all so good and played so good together. We adopted Ellie and Avery as their "Grandma Jackie and Grandpa Gordon", and so that is fun and the more the merrier!!
Ellie and Avery think this is fun stuff....and it wasn't very cold either. They even got a ride on the sled with the 4-wheeler too.
We even got in a few SNOW ANGELS!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009
Our Alaska Cruise!!!
We had the most fun this summer in August when we had the trip of a life time!! We went on an Alaska Cruise with our 3 married children and their spouses. It was WONDERFUL!! We got the opportunity to do this because of our PREMIER TOURS company and having 36 people who wanted to cruise with us. That has been such a wonderful thing for us because of all of the people who love to travel with us from our CHURCH HISTORY TOURS. They have such fun that they want us to do other travel and we love to do it. CHECK OUT OUR NEW BLOG FOR OUR TRAVEL .......premiertours.blogspot.com. I'm still working on getting it all set up, but it will be a fun place to hear about our trips, and what we've got coming up.
Anyway, back to the Alaska Cruise! It was super in every way and so many great memories made from it. We had a fabulous time and had great food, great entertainment, great shore excursions, beautiful scenery all the way, and just fun being together. It will be a lifetime memory for all of us. The guys got into playing shuffleboard and they had so much fun doing that. The girls enjoyed relaxing, relaxing, and relaxing some more! We especiallly enjoyed all of the wonderful food!!! Non stop eating on cruises...and that's what we were good at.
Anyway, back to the Alaska Cruise! It was super in every way and so many great memories made from it. We had a fabulous time and had great food, great entertainment, great shore excursions, beautiful scenery all the way, and just fun being together. It will be a lifetime memory for all of us. The guys got into playing shuffleboard and they had so much fun doing that. The girls enjoyed relaxing, relaxing, and relaxing some more! We especiallly enjoyed all of the wonderful food!!! Non stop eating on cruises...and that's what we were good at.
Devin Teaching Seminary
Well, the first thing I need to catch up on is the experience we had going to watch DEVIN teach SEMINARY at Timp View High School. It was so fun! We went up for the day for Gordon's work Christmas party and made it in time to go watch Devin teach one of his classes. It it was great to see him at work and his great way with the kids and the way that they responded to him and liked him so much. He taught a great lesson and the kids were very responsive. Seminary teaching sure was a great experience for Devin. He loved it. As an update however, he wasn't chosen to come back and teach after the Christmas Holidays. They are eliminating down and he didn't make the cut. He said a lot of it was probably because he wasn't married yet and he can't be hired by the seminary program if he's not married. Well, he took it really well and is giving this last semester at BYU his all and is doing really good with his classes and grades and is awaiting a decision about where he'll be invited to attend grad school in Audiology. So GOOD LUCK Devin and WE'RE ALL CHEERING FOR YOU!!!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
It's Been A Long Time
Well, 2009 is here and I've not posted since the middle of November. I'm changing that though because I made a New Years resolution to do it more and better this year. I am the worst at Journal writing and I always have said that my pictures and my memories are my journal, but since they have created blogs I plan to use this as a way to actually write down some things about our lives. Surprise to anyone that knows me very well. I many times think that computers and much of this technology were invented for us to be able to do so many of those kind of things that we otherwise wouldn't do, so here goes!
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